Health and Safety

Health and safety is important to us, along with keeping the entire team safe while they are working together. We are all equally responsible in keeping both ourselves and our customers safe.

Every team member understands our health and safety vision, and contributes to the cultural values that support prevention. We all actively support the elimination of unsafe behaviour and unsafe conditions.

Our proactive approach

Signtech the Signmasters will take a proactive approach in creating a safe place to work for all employees and the public, and will be accountable for the following responsibilities:

  • Promoting continued safety education and training, plus involvement of all employees.
  • Assigning responsibility for all aspects of the safety program, and holding managers accountable.
  • Continuously improving safety.
  • Ensuring thorough evaluation of all incidents and taking actions to avoid recurrence.


As a minimum, employees at every level of the organisation are accountable for the following:

  • Assuming responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those with whom they work.
  • Adhering to established company safety policy and procedures.
  • Adequately planning safety into every work task.
  • Actively participating in the safety process.
  • Immediately correcting or report all hazards.


Signtech’s continued success depends upon our ability to effectively execute our work in an ever changing and challenging marketplace. Safety plays a critical role in this endeavour. Through observance and encouragement of this policy, we assist in protecting the overall well-being of our employees, clients, subcontractors, communities and the company.


Where requested a Site-Specific Safety Plan will be provided. We protect you, our client, by providing Site Specific Safety Plans where required by law or on your specific request.
Site Wise Green Status Certification.

ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices Certification.